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We all need clean water,clear air and non-toxic food to live healthy and happy lives .

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Every one of us needs clean water, pure air and non-toxic food, because only in this way can we live healthily and happily. Water and Waste Water-Ozone is a very powerful sanitiser and is widely used to treat bacteria, organic and mineral contaminants in drinking water, water for agriculture and recycled waste water.

Ozone in the Home -AMBOHR ozone generator is ideally suited to use in the home, it can transform a room like a breath of fresh air. Lingering ‘living’ odours from sickness, pets, smoking, sports equipment, shoes and cooking can be removed simply by an electrical outlet. Mould and mildew can be controlled and even allergies to dust mites can be helped. If you have a contagious illness the ozone generator can sanitise a room and help reduce the spread.

Ozone in Fruit and Vegetable Cleaning and Storage-Ozonated water is a convenient way to wash fruit and vegetables and offers the following advantages over traditional chlorine based sanitisers. The disinfectant effect of ozone is not dependent on the pH level of the water. Ozone will leave no residue on the produce that may affect taste or reduce shelf life. Ozone has no ongoing chemical purchase or disposal costs. Ozone leaves no residue in the water and therefore makes reuse simply a matter of filtration. The shelf life of produce in cold storage can also be extended by the use of gaseous ozone. Ozone in the air within a cold storage room can retard the growth of micro-organisms in the air and on the surface of the produce.


Ambohr Ozone water purifier

Model No: CD 160

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Ambohr Air purifier

Model No: OAP – 180

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Ambohr Ozone water purifier

Model No: CD 160

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In order to test its products internally for standards compliance and to evolve toward greater reliability AMBOHR has several test sites equipped with :

• Material for test environment (damp heat, climate, shock)

• HT digital Oscilloscope fast

• Wave generators current up to 100 kA – 8/20µs

• Current waveform generators up to 100 kA – 10/350

• 1.2/50-8/20µs hybrid wave generators up to 20 kV/10 kA

• 400 Vac three phase low voltage network-Icc 1.5 kA / phase for coupling with pulsed current

The G100K test generator can produce exceptionally high impulse current of 100 kA and is used for testing structural lightning protection systems as well as Type 1 surge protectors.

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